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He recently finished filming The Cocaine Bear, a film directed by Elizabeth Banks which is scheduled to be released in February next year. In recent years, Liotta appeared in Marriage Story and No Sudden Move and starred alongside Taron Egerton in the upcoming Apple TV series Black Bird. The actor starred as Shoeless Joe Jackson in the 1989 film Field Of Dreams and as Henry Hill in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas, which he starred in opposite Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci.

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He leaves behind his daughter Karsen, whom he shares with his ex-wife Michelle Grace. Liotta’s fiancee Jacy Nittolo was on location at the time of his death. The actor, best known for starring in Goodfellas, passed away in the Dominican Republic, where he was shooting his next film Dangerous Waters, according to his publicist Jennifer Allen. Hollywood star Ray Liotta has died in his sleep aged 67, the Mirror reports.

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