So they were able to capture things happening, stories breaking in real time, and they did it with much success. They were able to capture real‑time images from the air in a city that, frankly, it's hard to get to anywhere in a timely manner, and there might be a fire, but by the time you drive there, the fire is usually out.
And they really revolutionized the news business. He walked into another one, had a business plan, and managed to convince the person there to hand him over a multimillion‑dollar helicopter that he had no money for, and from there, they started covering news in Los Angeles in a way that nobody else was doing. My dad walked into a helicopter company and said, 'Please let me lease a helicopter,' and they said, 'Do you have any cash?' and he said no.
And from there, they created together this company called 'Los Angeles News Service' from nothing again.